Book your first trial for acne facial treatment in Singapore at Glomax Aesthetics for only $89.

GLOhair Removal

The most advanced, fast and effective way to remove unwanted hair. Completely permanent with no worry of ever growing back!

Glomax Aesthetics - 10 Sessions of IPL Hair Removal underarm at $439 only

GLO Broadband Light Hair Removal Treatment

A revolutionary technology in hair removal!

By sending multiple lower fluence pulses at a high repetition rate, GLO Broadband Light provides a treatment that is safe, fast, efficacious, and comfortable.

The motion Broadband Light technology allows for extremely even heating of hair follicles and minimizes missed areas that occur with traditional hair removal devices.

Glomax Aesthetics - BBL Hair Removal

Intense Pulsed IPL Hair Removal Treatment

IPL stands for Intense Pulsed Light technology. A non-invasive procedure that uses high-powered pulses of light to remove unwanted hair gently and effectively. It Safe, Quick and Pain free!

Be velvety smooth at all time!

Find out more


Glomax Aesthetics - 10 Sessions of IPL Hair Removal underarm at $439 only

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